Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Closed Doors

Have you ever had a plan for your life that fell through? You thought the door was open, but then it closes on you. Most of the time our initial response is panic or discouragement.  We ask ourselves, now what? Why is this happening? We ask other questions and make other statements.

In the midst of a closed door situation, generally, we never think maybe God is up to something good in this situation. We usually question God's goodness, or God's timing.

It's funny isn't it? Sometimes if a door hadn't been closed we wouldn't have looked for another open door. If that person hadn't broken up with you, you might have married a person who you would have ended up divorcing within five years. Instead, you are married to a wonderful person who is good for you. If you hadn't loss that job, you might be stuck in a dead end job with no future. Instead, you are at a place where you aren't just making a living, but making a life.

Please understand, I'm not saying , where God closes a door, He opens another. No, I'm wanting to emphasize the goodness of God, in that at times when we think we knew what was good for our lives , God knew what was best and led us to that place. Even tough there may have been hurt, or pain involved for us, He brought us to a place of blessing.

So, there are times we need to thank God for the closed doors in our lives. It's not easy, we usually don't look at the big picture with our lives, we usually just think of the immediate moment. But, I bet if you looked back over your life, a lot of closed doors in your life were blessings in disguise, but you just couldn't see it at the moment. God knew what was best for you, but you and I couldn't see it at the moment.

Thank God for the closed doors. Thank God for some of our prayers that went unanswered and saved us from a life of heartache. He is a good God.

Here are a few verses to reflect on:

“The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:9‬ ‭

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭

Let's remember the next time that a door closes that just maybe God is working something out for our good. Maybe He is directing our steps. He's done it in the past and He will do it again.


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