Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mexican Restaurants and New Churches

I was driving the other day and noticed another one, yes a new Mexican restaurant. I love Mexican food. In the area where I live it seems every few months a new Mexican restaurant is opening. It doesn't bother me, it gives me a new place to try. What will their huevos con chorizo be like? How do they make their rice? Oh and of course, what is their sauce like? I don't have a favorite place to eat, it seems I like the way somehing is made at each restaurant. I like the enchiladas at one place, but the carne de res at another. The huevos a la mexicana are good at this place, but awful at another place. I love the chips at one place, but dislike their sauce. I like the sauce at one place, but not their chips. So it just depends on what I am in the mood for.

Many people don't understand that one of the reasons we have so many Mexican restaurants in the area is because depending on which part of Mexico the owners have come from that is how they make their food. Not everyone makes their rice or sopa the same. Not everyone makes their enchiladas the same. My grandpa made his food a certain way, that is what I grew up on so I like restaurants that make their food similar to my grandpa. Somebody from Arizona or California will prefer their food another way. Yet, with all the Mexican restaurants we can sample the variety of ways to enjoy the food.

What I have said about Mexican restaurants can also be said about churches. In our area we have hundreds of churches. Why? Do we really need that many? In my opinion, we don't have enough. When it comes to churches, the majority of them are ok. There are a few organizations that look like they are worshipping Jesus, but are actually cults. But on the whole, the majority of the organizations who say they are worshipping Jesus actually are.

I have been fortunate to have been able to preach or do music or be a guest at a variety of churches. I've been with the Presbyterians, the Lutherans, the Assemblies of God, The African Methodist Episcopalians, The Church of God, The Church of God in Christ, Southern Baptists, American Baptists, General Baptists, and just plain Baptists,  The Roman Catholics, Vineyard,  Foursquare, and others.

Without getting too "deep" let me try to give a few reasons why there are many churches and why we need more. Each one is worshipping Jesus, yet each one has a different "flavor". Then in each organization each church has their own "flavor". Why do we need this? There are many types of people. There are many ways in which God connects with people. For example, you may enjoy a quiet pastor, someone else may like a in your face pastor. You may like lifting your hands while you sing, someone else may like to sit. There are theological reasons for different churches. You may believe miracles still happen, someone else may believe they don't. You may prefer only men pastors, someone else may believe women can be also. The list goes on and on.

The danger for many churches regardless of denomination affiliation is that the times change, but the church stays stuck in the past. We get comfortable in how the good old days were. The problem is, we still think its current. We don't realize we are living in the past. So what helps someone who wants to connect with Jesus yet can see that a church may be stuck in the past? New Churches.

With all the variety of people, with all the cultural varieties, we need a variety of churches to be able to help each person to be able to help connect with God and come to experience living an abundant life.

 I could deeper, so let me stop here and encourage you today,if you aren't in the habit of eating Mexican food or going to church, go get some Mexican food and go to church this week. If where you go doesn't appeal to you, try a different place. Since we have a large variety in our area eventually you will connect with a restaurant and a church.


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