Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Give People A Chance

Many years ago one of my mentors, Pastor Hollis told me,"If people won't allow you to fail, they won't let you succeed." He was speaking in terms of ministry. He was trying to say that your congregation has to allow you to make mistakes so that you can learn and eventually succeed in what you are doing. I believe that principle works for any area of life. We have to let people be free to make mistakes and not feel that that is the limit of their potential or become close minded to their ability just because they make a mistake.

 We often judge a persons ability based on their mistakes. I find that fascinating. Why do we expect perfection from people when we aren't perfect ourselves?Why do we feel superior to others when they fail in a certain area of life that we seem to have a good hold on? Why do we want others to extend grace to us and be understanding toward us when we make mistakes, but we don't want  to extend that same grace to others or be as understanding to others when they make mistakes? Isn't it a double standard? Didn't Jesus say something about treating others the way we want to be treated?

I'm not saying that we shouldn't use wisdom. If someone isn't gifted in a certain area we need to try and direct them into an area where they are gifted. I'm also not talking about the issue of forgiveness right now. Or for example, someone borrowing money from you and time after time they never pay you back. Then you wonder should you loan money to them again.I'm simply saying that we need to give people a chance and see their potential.

Many years ago when I got the opportunity to start playing with some of the best musicians around, I didn't play perfectly, but they encouraged me, they saw my potential. With their understanding and patience they helped me to grow into a better musician.

When we read the gospels we see the disciples continually messing up, but instead of giving up on them, Jesus kept believing in them and teaching them. In fact, if you and I were to think about it, hasn't Jesus done the same with us? Even though we may gifted or talented in certain areas, Jesus has been patient with us as we have developed our talents. Maybe we should do the same to others.

Finally, let me add that if you have a talent or gift in a area but it seems like you keep failing at it, don't give up. Continue to develop your talent and gift. At some point you will see the fruit of your efforts and persistence.


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