
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

How to develop our faith in God

It has been said that life is a series of choices. With that being said, everyday we are given the choice to choose faith or not. Choosing faith is not easy by any means of the imagination. It is a challenge to choose faith , but in this whole following Jesus journey we are on, it is required.

Without it we can’t please God....
“And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:6‬ ‭

With it we see God move miraculously in our lives. Jesus was always moved by people who exercised faith.

For those who attend church and read their Bibles somewhat regularly it is possible not to unite what we hear and read , with faith. That is how the children of Israel are described . They heard God’s Word, but they didn’t unite it with faith.

“For indeed we have had good news preached to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:2‬

Even people around Jesus didn’t see some miracles because of not exercising faith.

“And He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭13:58‬ ‭

So how do we develop faith ? We have to get to know the One who we are putting our faith in. I mean we don’t trust someone we don’t know.

How do we get to know God? By reading our Bibles and praying. So often people who don’t regularly read their Bibles or pray tell me they have trouble trusting God . I have to let them know it’s hard at times for those who read and pray regularly, it’s going to be near impossible for someone who doesn’t because you don’t know him.

Reading our Bibles helps us to see what God is like. The more we read the more we see that throughout the Bible,  He remained faithful to what He promised. Though life was difficult at times , He remained faithful.

When we pray we develop our “conversation “ with God. We learn that prayer isn’t just talking , but also learning how to listen.

These two disciplines help us develop our relationship with God. They help us to get to know what God is like so that we can put our trust in Him.

By having relationships with people we have learned who we can trust and who we can’t . We know which person will be on time , we know which person will be late . We know who is reliable, we know who isn’t. We learned these things about people in our lives over time spent with people.

So remember to develop a relationship with God start reading your Bible and praying . As you get to know Him more you will find that it gets easier to trust Him because now you are getting to know who you are putting your trust in. You are getting to know His character, what He is like. As that develops then start trusting Him with areas in your life . You will begin to  learn and see that He is faithful . This will then help to develop that all important important area of faith.

It won’t always be easy to put our faith in a God we can’t see, but at least by doing these disciplines we will have developed a relationship with God . These disciplines done regularly will help to develop our faith. Remember, God wants to show you He is faithful . Because He loves us so much , He wants us to trust Him. Just as you want those who you love to trust you. So He has made a way for us to develop our trust/ faith in Him.


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