
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Difficult Roads

"Difficult roads often lead to glorious destinations. "

I saw the above quote the other day and it got me to thinking about times I have vacationed out in Colorado, Wyoming, or Montana. There are many great sights to see. Beautiful mountain scenes, wildlife, incredible views that make for great pictures.
What surprised me the first time I saw these places was the difficult roads you had to travel to get to these places. Sometimes you travel up a mountain on dirt roads. Sometimes you are on paved roads, but you are so close to the edge of a cliff up high on a mountain that you don't want to look to your left or right. The roads are difficult but they do lead to glorious destinations. 

Sometimes in life we travel difficult roads. We go through challenges that we would rather not deal with. But if we think back on some of these difficulties we find they eventually led us to some glorious destinations. We may have experienced God in a way we had never done before. We may have found out that we had strength to get through something we never thought we could.

I often say at church that we want to experience a miracle, but the problem is that most of us don't want to be in a situation that requires a miracle. But without the need for a miracle we wouldn't experience the miracle. The way we experience Jesus as our healer is by being sick. The way we experience Him as our provider is by needing provision. And so on and so forth.

Some examples from the Bible could be if Daniel had never been in a lion's den he never would have experienced God coming to rescue him. If Moses and the children of Israel had not been stuck at the Red Sea they would have never seen the water part. Finally, if Jesus had not been crucified there would not have been the resurrection.

Difficult roads are not easy or fun. But they do lead to some glorious destinations. May we trust that God is leading us to a great destination for His glory as we travel some difficult roads in life.

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