
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Life Is Short

"Life is short even in its longest days"
John Mellencamp 

The above line is a line from one of my favorite John Mellencamp songs. The first time I heard it the truth of it resonated with me. 
The Bible has many verses that talk about the brevity of life. 
“Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.”
James 4:14

Whether you are a believer in a personal God or not you can relate to the truth that life is short. All of us can relate to the idea that playing with childhood friends or our days in High School though they may have been decades ago at time they seem just like yesterday. 
I read a quote the other day that talked about life being short and some actions we can take:
"Life is so short. Grudges are a waste of time. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and trust God with what you cannot change."
Glenn Burris 

In my 20 some years of ministry I am constantly amazed at how many people I run into who are holding grudges. Some are short, some have been holding these grudges for years. Yet, they can't see that it's not accomplishing anything good in their lives. Most of them don't see the damage that it is doing to their lives and others who are close to them. 

Laugh, apologize, and trust God I believe is some good advice to follow with our time we have been given. 

Let me sum all this up by saying that since life is short let's be encouraged to choose our actions wisely with the time we have been given. Let's enjoy life and not waste our time with actions that in the long run really don't bring anything good into our lives. 

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