
Thursday, January 8, 2015


People often ask me ,"how have you been able to be a consistent follower of Jesus for the past 20 years? As I have thought on that, I could give a lengthy answer, I could go into a lengthy discussion on theology, I could quote Church Fathers, give a long treastie on the doctrine of salvation. But when it's time to simplify, I simply say, Grace.
Grace started me on the journey, Grace has sustained me on the journey, and Grace will help me reach my destination.
It's interesting to me how many people I meet who feel they aren't "worthy" of grace. But isn't that the whole point of grace? If I deserved it, it wouldn't be grace. It would be something I've earned, and guess what.....we can't earn grace!!!
Isn't that part of the reason why we are uncomfortable when someone does something nice for us, especially if we know we haven't been really good to them? We feel we don't deserve it. On the other end of the spectrum, isn't that why we get upset with others when we have done a favor for someone, but they don't do a favor for us when we are in need?......We think we have earned the favor and it's proof we aren't operating out of grace.
I pray this upcoming year will be a year of grace for you. I was reading a blog post from Perry Noble and I would like to close with his words: 
Grace is for the person who has messed up somewhere in life and believes the lie that, because of their failures, God can never do anything significant with them.
Grace is for the person who wrestles with trying to not find their identity in what they did on their worst day.
Grace is for the person who is tired of trying to keep all of the rules and regulations associated with religion.
Grace is for the person who really does believe God is mad at them.
Grace gives us the strength to forgive when we believe that forgiving someone else is an impossibility.
Grace gives us courage.
Grace gives us strength.
Grace allows us to keep going when we want to give up.
Grace shatters the shackles of sin that have dominated our lives for years.
Grace allows me to stop being a victim of what happened to me.
Grace gives us hope.
Grace is available to everyone.
I know – it sounds too good to be true.

It’s not!

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