Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Is He Really Talking About Poop?

Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, But much revenue comes by the strength of the ox
Proverbs 14:4

This is a classic verse from the Book of Proverbs. It has so much truth to it. I have to remind myself of this proverb when things get difficult, or don't go the way that I would prefer.

What is the writer of the proverb trying to say? Well, here is how I interpret it. First of all we have to think of the times the proverb was written and the customs and culture of the day. Most of the wealth was aquired from your animals etc...

The first part is telling us if you have a clean manger, you probably don't have any oxen. But the second part of the verse is telling us if you want revenue you need oxen. So it's your choice, if you want a clean manger don't have any oxen, but if you want revenue you will need oxen which also leads to a dirty manger.

Let's think about our lives now and our times and situations. Here is how I interpret the proverb. "If you want to accomplish something you will have to deal with poop". Think with me- you need "oxen" to accomplish something. Part of having "oxen" is knowing they come with poop. That is what makes the manger dirty.

Basically there hasn't been much that we have accomplished in life without having some "poop" attatched with it. It seems we are always looking for a "poop" free situation, but there aren't too many of them.

So the next time you are having to deal with "poop" in your life remember it is a part of life. Remember if there is something you are wanting to accomplish you will probably have to deal with some "poop" to see it get accomplished. If you or I want a "poop" free life we probably won't accomplish all the things we would like to in life.

You and I are not alone in life when it comes to having to deal with the truth of this proverb. Just think of all the people in the Bible and their situations and you will see that many, if not all of them had to deal with the truth of this proverb.

Let us also remember that we have a God who will help us to deal with all the "poop" of life. The key is remembering to ask of His help instead of just trying to deal with it on our own.


1 comment:

  1. Truthful and humourous perspective in dealing with adversities. Thanks troy!
