
Monday, January 10, 2011

Graceland Church-Why the name Graceland?

 One of the challenges of having a new church, is thinking of a name. Names can define, or categorize you. I have always been amazed by the grace of God. I have experienced so much of His grace in my life. I want for others to experience His grace. I also have desired for people to experience the grace of God through other people. I know I have been blessed by so many other people. Grace can be hard to explain, but you know when you are experiencing it.

So I had a few different names in mind. But as I talked with people about how I thought God was building this part of His body (Church). Others thought that Graceland was the best description. The challenge? Most people think of Elvis. Surprisingly younger people didn't automatically think of Elvis.

Well since Elvis is the pink elephant(no offense to Elvis or any of his fans) I thought that we could try to find fun ways to incorporate Elvis at various times. Any suggestions?
Below is just a little explanation that will be on our website.


Why the name Graceland?
We did not set out to call our church by a name that is very familiar
to most people. But after putting some thought into what we desire for
people to experience at church and in life, the name makes perfect

Sadly, some people have not experienced grace when they have gone to
church or even when they have encountered people who call themselves
Christians. Though we admit we are from perfect, Graceland church
believes we should extend to others the same grace that God has
extended to us. We think church should be a "land of grace".
At Graceland church it is ok to:
Not have all the answers to life.
To be broken.
To have a past that you are not proud of.
Why is this ok? Because often these are the pathways to recognizing
God's grace and extending it to others.

So come and experience Graceland Church. Don't worry about having to
have your act together. God takes us the way we are.
Though we can't guarantee that you will see Elvis, we believe you will
experience Jesus and a group of people who have not only experienced
His grace, but who are also growing in His grace.

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