
Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Read The News Today Oh Boy

Anyone who know really knows me, knows that I am a Beatle nut. I have been since I was about 10 years old. Any other Beatle nuts know that my title to this blog was taken from the first line to "A Day In The Life'". I was thinking of all that we hear in the news today. Economy, wars, murders, local crime, sports, a feel good story here and there. Then my brain wandered to, what was the news in Bethlehem when Jesus was born? I was also thinking of how did God choose to announce the birth of His Son?

Although I really don't know what the news was in Bethlehem when Jesus was born. I am often puzzled as to how God chose to announce the birth of His Son. Today when you have a big announcement you have a press conference, you try to get as many people as you can to be informed about the news you have. But God didn't do that. He could have done anything to get the world's attention. He could have made to where the whole world would have known that His Son was born, but He didn't.

The only ones who knew were, Mary and Joseph, and basically it was only announced to some men who weren't even from the country who had to follow a star and some shepherds in a field.

Isn't that just like God though? We often want Him to make a big splash." Do something that will make us believe" is what the people of Jesus' day said. Yet basically God tells us there is enough evidence already.

When I think of Mary and Joseph, the wise men, and the shepherds and what was common for each of them. I realize that they each had to exercise faith with the information they were given. They each had to choose to believe that the information that they were told was true.

One example would be Mary and Joseph. Wouldn't you think that if you were carrying God's Son, that God would make sure He was born in the best place possible, that there would be no obstacles to overcome? Yet it was the complete opposite for them. They couldn't find a place to stay. They wind up in a manger. Although it makes for a nice Nativity scene and a nice Christmas song, how many of you would like to have your child born outside in a manger? Especially if you thought God was on your side.

Yet, this is how it is for us. We often think a life of following God means easy street, but it doesn't. We still have obstacles, but He is with us in the midst of the obstacles. During this season although there is much to make people happy, this is also a time when we get discouraged or feel down. Let's remember that God is with us. Through the good times and the bad. You may be right in the middle of God's will and yet still experiencing obstacles. Just remember the same was true for Mary and Joseph.

Finally I would like us to think about the person who was in control of the inn. The Bible tells us that there was no room at the inn for them. Think of how the person who was in charge of the inn could have had the Son of God at his inn. Now let's realize he didn't know at the time that the woman who was about to give birth was going to give birth to the Son of God. But just good will should have made him let a pregnant woman come in to give birth to her baby.

I see again another way in which God acts. He often gives us an opportunity to do the right thing. Our part is to recognize the situation. We need to take time to think when those situations come around (which usually aren't convenient) "maybe God is in this?" Maybe He is giving us an opportunity to be blessed by Him.

When we think of Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men, let's remember God was blessing ordinary, everyday people like you and me. They hadn't done anything to earn God's favor. God just blessed them.

Was there any news announced when Jesus was born? Just Angels announcing it to shepherds. Wise men from another country. It is interesting that the Angel uses the word news to the shepherds. Shepherds,once again God going against what we would think. God announcing this news to common people.In fact they were thought of low class people. Yet it was to them who God announced this great news to.

8 In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. 10 But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid ; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people ; 11 for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 "This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." 13 And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 14 "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased."
Luke 2:8-14

Had the angels written a song about the news they may have said," We heard the news today oh boy."

 So let's celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas. Let's remember that He has come to bless, and is blessing, ordinary people like you and me. Let's remember that He came to live among everyday, ordinary people like you and me. Let's remember that He offers eternal life to everyday ordinary people like you and me.


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