Tuesday, August 10, 2010

God Is Thinking Of You

What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.
                A. W. Tozer

I have always believed the above quote. As I have met various people I have found that their thought of what God is like has influenced their lives. Some think of God as someone who is far off and not concerned with what goes on here on Earth. They live their lives out according to that belief. Some think of God as someone who gets mad at us every time we mess up. Those that believe that live their lives according to that belief. Some think that since God is love He would never judge anyone. And they live their lives according to that belief. So you can see why the most important thought we can have is what we think of God. You can also see why we need to get the right thought about what God is like.

I would like to share a a truth about God that hopefully will encourage all of us: God is thinking of you. Hopefully this will encourage those who think God doesn't care. Sometimes we take two steps forward and three steps back. After an extended period of living like this we can become discouraged. When that happens we begin to get thoughts in our head that tell us that we should just give up. We think that God couldn't be concerned about us after all the times we have failed. We think we should have our act together by now. We think since others have given up on us, God probably has also.

The Bible tells us that God is love (1 John 4:16). It doesn't say that He is merely loving. It says He is love. That love, no matter what you and I have done with our lives, is directed towards us.

Not only does God love us, but He thinks of us. He says,"For I know the plans that I have for you. Plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11).

If He has plans for us, that means He is thinking of us. If you are planning something, that means you have put thought into it. This verse from Jeremiah was spoken to a people who had been disobedient toward God. They had not lived their lives the way God had desired. Yet, God was still thinking of them. God was still planning good for their lives. True, they would have to yield their lives to His plan. But their disobedience had not stopped God from thinking of them.

His thoughts towards us are good, and He has a special plan for us that is birthed out of His undying love for us. Psalm 40:5 says," Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders which You have done, and Your thoughts toward us:There is none to compare with You. If I would declare and speak of them, they would be too numerous to count".

That verse is telling us that God has many thoughts towards us. He doesn't just think of us once and then forget about us. Think of all the wonders He has done, there are so many. And Psalm 40:5 is telling us that He has that many thoughts towards us.

 I have had times where I forget something, times where something slips my mind. But God doesn't forget us. Some may say,"I can believe He is thinking of me when I am living right. But when I mess up, He probably isn't thinking of me." That thought process is not true. God's love toward you is not dependant upon what you do. If it were, God would have been done with me a long time ago. In fact, He would be done with all of us because the Bible says there is none righteous. Yet, here we are still alive, still experiencing His goodness and love and mercy.

I hope you will remember that God is thinking of you. I hope that truth will help shape you life. I would like to end this with a couple more verses from the Bible that speaks of God thinking of us.

     How precious also are Your thoughts to me , O God!
     How vast is the sum of them!
     If I should count them, they would                          
     outnumber the sand. 
     When I awake, I am still with You.
                                               Psalm 139:17,18



  1. I love your Tozer quote...it is because of Him that we move and have our being afterall. Good post.
