
Monday, August 9, 2010

Staying In Shape For The Gig

I couldn't believe it. I thought I was going to have the night off. But at about 4:00 I got a call asking if I could do a gig for someone. The guitar player that had been hired for the gig had some unforseen events come up and now he wasn't going to make the gig. Usually this is no problem. I tend to be ready for a gig on a last moment's notice. I could do this gig, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that I knew I was going to be asked to do a lot of guitar solos throughout the night. Now usually that is not a problem. I have been improvising for decades. I know my scales, modes, and theory. I could do the gig and the audience wouldn't know that I didn't feel in shape. Most gigs you can get by after you have done it this long because most gigs don't require too much of you musically. But tonight I was playing with musicians who would know the difference. They would be able to tell if I was in shape musically or not. And there was the problem, I had not picked up the guitar and done any scales or playing that week. Usually throughout the week I pick up my guitar and run through different exercises just to stay in shape. But for some reason I didn't do it this particular week. It's a horrible feeling to know that you have the ability to do something but because you are not prepared you don't perform up to your potential.

This happens not just to musicians, but to all of us. We can all identify with not responding up to our ability. We can all relate to those times of being unprepared. It also happens in our spiritual lives. You respond in a way that you know you shouldn't have. You say something that you know you shouldn't have. I'm not talking about being perfect. I'm talking about those things we do when we know better. Not things that we struggle with. Things that we already have responded the right way many times before in our lives.

This can happen because we haven't been staying in shape spiritually. We get caught off guard. The way I was for that gig. There are times when unexpected events happen in our lives and we respond the way we should. And then there are those times we don't. I think one of the reasons why, though I am not saying it is true 100% of the time, is because we have drifted away from doing the things that help us to be ready for those moments.

I would like to share with you some of the things I do throughout the day to try and stay spiritually fit. Please understand , I am not perfect, but when I do what I am going to mention my relationship with Jesus seems to go better. I would also like to add that you don't have to copy what I do. I am just telling you how I stay in shape spiritually and maybe you can apply some of these actions to your life.

Our spiritual life is like a fire. A fire just doesn't keep burning on its own. It needs to be fanned throughout the whole time you are wanting it to burn. This is why even though going to church is wonderful, and we all should go to church. Just one hour on Sunday isn't going to keep you in shape spiritually. Sunday starts the spark, but what we do Monday through Saturday keeps it burning. Another thing I have noticed is that we Christians often think of Sunday church as the "gig" when it is the rehearsal for the real "gig" which is Monday through Saturday.

So here is what I do to stay in shape spiritually throughout the week. When I wake up I thank God for the new day. A new day is promised to no one, so I am thankful that I get a new one. I also thank Him for allowing me to sleep the night before. Most of us know what it is like to have trouble sleeping, so if you get a good night's sleep, be thankful. In the morning I will pray and read a little of the Bible. Now throughout the day, maybe every hour or two I will pick up where I left off in prayer and  pray for a minute or two. I may also read a few pages from a Christian book sometime during the day. When I sin during the day, if I am aware of it, hopefully I will ask God to forgive me. At the end of the day I will spend more time reading books, my Bible and prayer. I don't do these things because I want God to love me and bless me, I don't do them to impress anyone or to try to avoid being on God's bad side. I do this to keep the relationship with God alive. To keep the fire burning. To stay in shape spiritually. To be ready for the "gig'. I guess you could say I do these disciplines because I realize I am spiritually weak. I have found that I cannot maintain a joyful and meaningful relationship with Jesus without these disciplines. I also need to get to church weekly, hangout and interact with other Christians during the week. I have found that when I neglect these things, my spiritual life gets out of shape.

By the way, that gig I had, we did very basic songs so it wasn't a problem. But as I reflect back on that day, I see the connection between staying in shape musically and spiritually. Hope these words will help you find a routine to stay in shape spiritually, so that you can be ready when God calls on you for a "gig" during the week.


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