Friday, March 5, 2010

Connecting with God

Well on this first post I would like to attempt to answer a question that many people ask. How can I get to know God? Let me say first of all that I am not an expert, but a fellow traveler along this journey. I would also like to add that I have come into relationship with God and have heard many stories of others who have also.
   A truth that I just love is that God is not interested in you or I being religious, but He is interested in a relationship with us. Religion without relationship would be like a marriage without love. You may go through the motions but there is nothing in the heart. It can also be like someone in a relationship with you but all they are interested in is the rules and regulations of being in a relationship but not really interested in you.
   Now how can you connect with God if you are not in a relationship with Him?
1) Ask Him to reveal Himself to you.
You would be surprised by how many people have asked God to reveal Himself to them and He has. He shows up in our lives if we are sincerely looking.
2) Be open to the idea that God can reveal Himself to you in anyway He desires.
   If I could put it more simply I would say don't put God in a box. You may have preconceived ideas about how God would choose to reveal Himself. Sometimes we want God to show Himself in a way that we are comfortable with. God wants to show us that He is bigger than our preconceived ideas about Him.
3) Have an open heart and be patient.
   If you are sincerely wanting God to show Himself to you, He will. If you are only trying to test Him, He probably won't. Jesus had many who would try to pressure Him into proving He was God. He wouldn't grant their request. Even when He was on the cross people were yelling to Him to come off the cross and they would believe that He was the Son of God. Jesus wouldn't bite the bait.
      I would like to add that God is pursuing you at this moment. He knows your past. He knows all the times you have messed up but He still loves you. His love is not like human love. But when we mess up we mess up the relationship with Him. That is why He sent His Son Jesus to go to the cross for us and pay the penalty for our sins. What amazing Love! What amazing grace!
     So today if you are not in relationship with God or you are not sure if there is even a God ask Him to reveal Himself to you. If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God but you have messed up simply ask God to forgive you and then ask Him to help you live for Him. Our sins can never exceed His grace and love for us.

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