Saturday, January 25, 2014


Recently I have been thinking of ways that God has graced me. I think one of the ways we miss out on God's amazing grace, is that we confine it to issues of salvation. Don't misunderstand me, I am amazed at God's grace when it comes to salvation, forgiveness, etc.... I just think we experience grace daily and often in ways that we don't even realize.

Let me share a few personal examples and hopefully this will help stimulate your mind in ways God has graced you.

I have always loved music. I didn't do anything to earn that desire, it's just always been there. I was graced with the desire to love music.

Recently I was listening to a song by the guitarist Wes Montgomery. In the middle of the song I heard some notes used in a way that I hadn't heard before. When this happens it does something that I can't explain to the inside of me. I hear two chords used together that I never heard before, I hear a harmony I never heard before. Again, when this experience happens I didn't do anything to earn it, I was just simply listening to music and I experience grace.

What about friends? Isn't amazing how certain people come into your life? You didn't do anything to meet them, you just did. I have friends from childhood, teenage years, etc.... These are people I love to be around. I was graced to have these people in my life.

What about relatives? You and I didn't do anything to be in the families that we are a part of. God graced us to be in these various families. No family is perfect, but we love each member and have great memories.

What about sports? Either the ability to play or the ability to watch, or both. I have been graced in my life to see the likes of Michael Jordan, or Walter Payton. They did things that made my jaw drop. Yet, I did nothing to merit be able to see them in my lifetime.

We have been graced by God in numerous ways. Hopefully I have stimulated your mind to help you to think of ways you have been graced by God.
